Nienke's Sunstruck Portrait: Scatterbrained Publications on South Africa That's what Maxime thinks the link to this blog should be. It pretty much sums it all up though, it's about my stay in South Africa.

Friday, January 12, 2007

8 Days To Go

Welcome! Welcome to my new blog!

This blog is where I will keep everyone updated about everything that happens to me in South Africa. It's much easier than having to write the same story in ten different e-mails/letters/MSN-conversations. I will also post pictures here.

The first day of the testweek is over. That means that tomorrow in exactly one week I will be on a plane heading for South Africa together with Sandra and Kirsten. I'm very excited about it. The fact that I'll be all the way in the south of the Southern Hemisphere hasn't really gotten through to me, though. Maybe it will when I'm high up in the air flying above the Sahara.

Preparations have already started, of course. I guess you could say they started over half a year ago when I signed up for the exchange programme, but right now preparing means making sure I have enough clothes, shoes and planners => It wouldn't do to fall behind on all my homework, not to mention the grades that would plummet if I just saw this exchange as an extra holiday. That does not mean that I'm not going to have the best time ever, of course!

Well, that's it for my first post.



At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plane really is spelt "plane" and not "plain".
Ooh, and I just stole your blogs comment virginity --again!

I probably won't comment here too much after this one, think you know why.

Anyway, have fun!

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would this blog require NSP, or would that seriously influence your mark..

Nice to see you combined two potential titles into one, worked out really good

You see, over time you´ll even come to profit from my infinite wisdom =P


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Nienke said...

Of course you can comment all you want! The mark is about the blog, not about the comments.

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I´m just asking, if I´m on drift the current can take me anywhere, places your teaches might not want to be hearing off....just saying (A)


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told almost everybody I know about your blog! Hope you have a lot of comments and hope there not so stupid to comment as anonymous.

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Nienke said...

MUM!!! Don't insult NSP!!!
Practically fell off of my chair laughing though :D

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Maxi-Taxi? said...

I feel I need to stand up for NSP. NSP is almighty. He has been my current god for the last 20 minutes, and will be till midnight tonight.
No-one's ever been my god for more than a minute.

This comment better not get me weird faces from teachers and/or other students and/or Nienke's relatives.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Nienke said...

I take back what I said, she meant that people shouldn't comment AS anonymous.

At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I´m being adored, admired, worshipped, it keeps getting better and better. Except for the part where my numerous definitions of ´as´ fail to grasp what you lot mean...some explanation please o_O


At 8:38 PM, Blogger Nienke said...

I thought she meant that she hoped people wouldn't be so stupid to leave comments as anonymous, but she meant they shouldn't leave stupid comments as anonymous! As in first I though she meant that you (NSP) left stupid comments, but she meant that people should sign their comments.

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, well, big day has finally come, eh. I´m not sure when you´re leaving/have left, but I did want you to know, even though we hardly see each other when you're in the Netherlands, I will miss you! So, in case you're leaving later today; have a good journey. And, naturally, in case you've already left; hope you journey has been well/is being well. All the best, and remember, I love you, not necessarily in the 'OMG, I so wanna snug you' way, but still in a broad and well-meant sense of the word ;-)

Bye love, keep me updated on your stay..

Lots of love,

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Nienke said...

"even though we hardly see each other when you're in the Netherlands"
You didn't say even though we've never seen each other. So that means I have actually met you! In the NL! Now I'm confused.


At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your log blog. I really enjoyd reading it. Was looking now and then on your blog if there was some news, so i was very excited to see such a long one!!!!
You're vere onderhoudend (i don´t know the english word for it) and it is very nice to read. Thanks for sharing. I am very proud of you. Good for you to go on all the field trips. Don´t try to miss anything, it is a once in a lifetime experience!
I tried to give some comment to Sandras blog, but I have to make a password etc. Yours is easier. Maybe you can explain her how yours works, its more simple to comment.
Did you give everybody your presents and did they like it. Don´t forget the cheese. With the high temperatures there it is not sensible to keep it in your suitcase!
I folded all the folders today and have a new system. I use the bar (don´t have to bent, so no sore back). Explain to you when you´re back.
Miss you.
Heel veel liefs en een dikke knuffel, Jacq.

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't bother your SA stay too much, keep having fun and enjoy the experience, like your mother said; 'once in a lifetime'


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Ashley Lubbe said...

ik dacht schrijf hier ook nog wat
je mist hier serieus niks
trouwens mag ik je e-mail

liefs ashley


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